Basic hex-based A* implementation

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;

namespace Voodoocado
    public class Step
        public Vector2Int position;
        public float height;
        public float F;
        public float G;
        public float H;
        public Step parent;
        public new string ToString()
            return position.ToString();

    public class Path
        public List<Step> steps;

        public Path(List<Step> steps)
            this.steps = steps;

        public new string ToString()
            string str = "";
            foreach (Step step in steps)
                str += step.ToString() + ", ";
            return str;

    public static class AStar
        public delegate bool IsFree(Vector2Int position);
        public static Path FindPath(IsFree isFree, Vector2Int from, Vector2Int to)
            // algorithm
            Step current = null;
            var start = new Step { position = from };
            var target = new Step { position = to };
            var openList = new List<Step>();
            var closedList = new List<Step>();

            // start by adding the original position to the open list

            while (openList.Count > 0)
                //Debug.Log(current != null ? current.position.ToString() : "null");

                // get the square with the lowest F score
                var lowest = openList.Min(l => l.F);
                current = openList.First(l => l.F == lowest);

                // add the current square to the closed list

                // show current square on the map
                GameObject sphere = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere);
                sphere.transform.position =;
                sphere.transform.parent = spheres.transform;
       = "Path";

                // remove it from the open list

                // if we added the destination to the closed list, we've found a path
                if (closedList.FirstOrDefault(l => l.position.x == target.position.x && l.position.y == target.position.y) != null)

                var adjacentSquares = GetWalkableAdjacentSquares(isFree, current.position, to);


                foreach (var adjacentSquare in adjacentSquares)
                    // if this adjacent square is already in the closed list, ignore it
                    if (closedList.FirstOrDefault(l => l.position.x == adjacentSquare.position.x
                            && l.position.y == adjacentSquare.position.y) != null)

                    // if it's not in the open list...
                    if (openList.FirstOrDefault(l => l.position.x == adjacentSquare.position.x
                            && l.position.y == adjacentSquare.position.y) == null)
                        // compute its score, set the parent
                        adjacentSquare.H = ComputeHScore(adjacentSquare.position, target.position);
                        adjacentSquare.F = adjacentSquare.G + adjacentSquare.H;
                        adjacentSquare.parent = current;

                        // and add it to the open list
                        openList.Insert(0, adjacentSquare);
                        // test if using the current G score makes the adjacent square's F score
                        // lower, if yes update the parent because it means it's a better path
                        if (adjacentSquare.F > adjacentSquare.G + adjacentSquare.H)
                            adjacentSquare.F = adjacentSquare.G + adjacentSquare.H;
                            adjacentSquare.parent = current;

            List<Step> result = new List<Step>();
            // assume path was found; let's show it
            while (current != null)
                current = current.parent;
            return new Path(result);

        private static Vector2Int[] neighbours =
            new Vector2Int(-1,0),
            new Vector2Int(0,1),
            new Vector2Int(1,1),
            new Vector2Int(1,0),
            new Vector2Int(0,-1),
            new Vector2Int(-1,-1),

		internal static float Distance(Vector2Int from, Vector2Int to)
            // Calculate the distance in relation to 1 hex tile
			float distance =
                Vector3.Distance(GetWorldPosition(from), GetWorldPosition(to)) /
                    GetWorldPosition(new Vector2Int(1, 0)).magnitude;
            return distance;

		// Convert radial hex grid map position to real world position 
		public static Vector3 GetWorldPosition(Vector2Int radialPosition)
            // sqrt(3) * 0.75
            const float gridX = 1.299038f;
            // 3 * 0.75
            const float gridY = 2.25f;
            return new Vector3(
                gridX * radialPosition.x, 0,
                gridY * radialPosition.y);

        static List<Step> GetWalkableAdjacentSquares(IsFree isFree, Vector2Int position, Vector2Int finalTarget)
            var proposedSteps = new List<Step>();

            // Hex grid radial position neighbours
            foreach (Vector2Int neighbour in neighbours)
                Vector2Int proposedStep = position + neighbour;

                if ((proposedStep != finalTarget) && !isFree(proposedStep))

                float g = ComputeGScore(position, proposedStep);

                // A g score of zero indicates that it is not possible to pass this square
                if(g > 0f)
                    proposedSteps.Add(new Step { position = proposedStep, G = g });

            return proposedSteps;

        // Just a measurement of how close we are to the target at any given point
        // Could also be computed as the x and y components individually, for example.
        static float ComputeHScore(Vector2Int from, Vector2Int to)
            Vector3 positionFrom = GetWorldPosition(from);
            Vector3 positionTo = GetWorldPosition(to);
            return (positionFrom - positionTo).magnitude;
        static float ComputeGScore(Vector2Int from, Vector2Int to)
            Vector3 positionFrom = AStar.GetWorldPosition(from);
            Vector3 positionTo = AStar.GetWorldPosition(to);
            return (positionFrom - positionTo).magnitude;
